How to validate form in ClojureScript using spec?
How to use spec
for form validation and return human understandable errors? Should you at all?
(this article is also a solution for clojure.spec
on backend when you need to return human readable errors for invalid values)
Why use spec for form validation?
Because you already use spec
in system. Otherwise you will have to keep the same validations in two different definitions. For example spec
and plumatic schema. You will fail keeping them equal on backend and frontend. You want to decrease complexity and keep system as simple as possible.
You can use the same spec
definitions files (.cljc
) in Clojure and ClojureScript, so on backend and frontend.
If you don’t use spec
yet, it is worth to think about unify data validation in your system to one format in a whole system.
Purpose of the spec
The spec library specifies the structure of data, validates or conforms it, and can generate data based on the spec. spec guide
What does it really mean? Let me explain it short step by step using code.
Specifies the structure of data
(s/def ::id (s/and pos-int?))
(s/def ::email (s/and string? (partial re-matches #"^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,63}$")))
(s/valid? ::id 1)
=> true
(s/valid? ::id 0)
=> false
(s/def ::name-or-id (s/or :name string?
:id ::id))
(s/conform ::name-or-id 1)
=> [:id 1]
(s/conform ::name-or-id "foo")
=> [:name "foo"]
(s/conform ::name-or-id 0)
=> :clojure.spec.alpha/invalid
Generate data
(gen/sample (s/gen ::id))
=> (2 1 1 3 1 6 1 2 8 2)
(gen/generate (s/gen ::id))
=> 86
The challenge
Here is the point. These things you have to code yourself on top of the spec
Constraint validation
Validate values which depend on other values. For example: check if date of birth is lower than date of graduation or check if password repeat is equal.
While it is technically possible to do constraint validation by spec
, there is no way to know field name of the input, which causes the error.
To show the issue I have to start from a simple validation.
(s/def ::email (s/and string? (partial re-matches #"^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,63}$")))
(s/def ::password-not-empty not-empty)
(s/def ::password-length #(<= 6 (count %)))
(s/def ::password (s/and string? ::password-not-empty ::password-length))
(s/def ::form (s/keys :req-un [::email ::password]))
(s/explain-data ::form {:email ""
:password "qwas"})
{:problems ({:path [:password],
:pred (cljs.core/fn [%] (cljs.core/<= 6 (cljs.core/count %))),
:val "qwas",
:via [:foo/form :foo/password :foo/password-length],
:in [:password]}),
:spec :foo/form,
:value {:email "", :password "qwas"}}
Here you can read password
input by :in
. This is the only one way to know which value invalidated in a map data structure.
(first (:in (s/explain-data ...)))
=> :password
Now the issue about constraint validation. You can’t compare password in (s/spec ::password-repeat ...)
, because on that level spec
let you know only the value of ::password-repeat
, but no other map values including ::password
. This is why you have to do constraint validation on the first level of(s/def ::form-constraint ...)
where you can’t read the name of the value which is invalid.
(s/def ::password-equal? (fn [{:keys [password password-repeat]}]
(= password password-repeat)))
(s/def ::form-constraint (s/and (s/keys :req-un [::email ::password])
(s/explain-data ::form-constraint {:email ""
:password "qwaszx"
:password-repeat "q"})
#:cljs.spec.alpha{:problems [{:path [],
:pred (cljs.core/fn [{:keys [password password-repeat]}] (cljs.core/= password password-repeat)),
:val {:email "", :password "qwaszx", :password-repeat "q"},
:via [:foo/form-constraint :foo/password-equal?],
:in []}],
:spec :foo/form-constraint,
:value {:email "", :password "qwaszx", :password-repeat "q"}}
is empty. Where will you display this error on the screen?
To make it easier for you, here is a visualsation of the issue. Application can’t determine the :password-repeat
input is invalid from the data above.
Human readable errors
(s/explain-data ::id 0)
#:clojure.spec.alpha{:problems [{:path [],
:pred clojure.core/pos-int?,
:val 0,
:via [:foo/id],
:in []}],
:spec :foo/id,
:value 0}
This is a simple, not nested data structure. With more complex data it is unreadable at all. It is designed to read by application, not for humans (end users).
Make a solution
It is time to code a final solution.
Validate and return :via
Return nil
if validate, oterwise :via
(s/def ::email (s/and string? (partial re-matches #"^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,63}$")))
(s/def ::password-not-empty not-empty)
(s/def ::password-length #(<= 6 (count %)))
(s/def ::password (s/and string? ::password-not-empty ::password-length))
(s/def ::form (s/keys :req-un [::email ::password]))
(defn ?spec-problems
"Return nil if pass."
[spec value]
(-> (s/explain-data spec value)
(defn spec-validate
"Check value by spec.
If validate return nil,
otherwise return a reason: the :via value of spec problem."
[spec value]
(->> (?spec-problems spec value)
(spec-validate ::form {:email ""
:password "qwaszx"})
=> nil
(spec-validate ::form {:email ""
:password "qwas"})
=> [:foo/form :foo/password :foo/password-length]
Change :via
vector to the error message
You have [:foo/form :foo/password :foo/password-length]
Now change it into a message. Check if you have a message for spec
definition one by one from back.
(defn get-message
[via messages]
(->> (reverse via)
(some messages)))
(get-message [:foo/form :foo/password :foo/password-length]
{:foo/password "Not satisfy security rules."})
=> "Not satisfy security rules."
(get-message [:foo/form :foo/password :foo/password-length]
{:foo/password-length "Needs to be more, than 6 characters."
:foo/password "Not satisfy security rules."})
=> "Needs to be at least 6 characters."
You have learnt how to return human redable error message from spec
Constraint valiadtion
Use cases:
- Password repeat - you don’t want to have
for this. You don’t use this value at all and don’t send in API. It is only needed to show an error on screen. Usefn
instead for this one. (< brith graduation)
- you probably want to usespec
, because you use this data in the system.
What can you do about that?
Add an extra code in user interface to show an error message for graduation field
- if
- or when
This let you show the error message in right place of the user interface.
Trick about mirroring s/def
and :via
(s/def ::instant inst?)
(s/def ::created ::instant)
(s/explain-data ::created 0)
#:cljs.spec.alpha{:problems [{:path [],
:pred (cljs.core/partial cljs.spec.alpha/valid? cljs.core/inst?),
:val 0,
:via [:foo/created],
:in []}],
:spec :foo/created, :value 0}
doesn’t contain full path. You can’t set an error message for ::instant
. But here is a trick.
(s/def ::created (s/and ::instant))
(s/explain-data ::created 0)
#:cljs.spec.alpha{:problems [{:path [],
:pred (cljs.core/partial cljs.spec.alpha/valid? cljs.core/inst?),
:val 0,
:via [:foo/created :foo/instant],
:in []}],
:spec :form-validator-doc.spec/created, :value 0}
Now :via
contain full path.
You achieved full knowledge how to validate data using spec
and return error messages for end users.
Final solution
On the end you want to have a library to do all this things which I mentioned. Because it is something repeatable in each project in the same way.
Good news. I did all this work for you and made a library form validation. You can use this in your project and you can learn more tricks from analysing the code.
Let me show you live demo of form validation.